UP Bhulekh | Check Bhulekh in Uttar Pradesh

Bhulekh up means complete description of the land. Through this you can declare ownership of the land. Because it gives all the details of the land. Through the documents of the land, you can easily take a loan from any bank. And you can take crop insurance. To distribute land, land documents, land papers are very useful.

UP Bhulekh

Friends, now you must be thinking how will we get this UP Bhulekh online facility? So let us give you information to read it carefully.

What is Bhulekh ?

Bhulekh means the written information related to the land. It is known by many names in different places Such as Jamabandi, land records, land details, farm papers, farm map, account, etc.

As you are buying a new land, you should know very well about that land so that you do not have to face any problems later.

Overview of up bhulekh

StateUttar Pradesh
Official Websitehttp://upbhulekh.gov.in

Check Bhulekh online in Uttar Pradesh Using upbhulekh.gov.in

You want to see Bhulekh naksha in Uttar Pradesh then need to visit the official portal of Bhulekh Uttar Pradesh : upbhulekh.gov.in.

Step 2 – On the homepage, You have to click on “See imitation of Khatoni (rights record)” link.


Step 3 – A dialog will appear and you have to enter the shown captcha code.

Step 4 – Now, you have to choose the district from the list as shown in the picture.

check bhulekh up

Step 5 – You have to select the respective tehsil from the list.

check bhulekh up

Step 6 – You have to select your village.

check bhulekh up

Step 7 – Now you have to enter the valid Khasra number in the form.

check bhulekh up

You are given three options to search. You can search by entering the Gata No./ measles or by account No. or by the name of the account holder.

After entering the valid credentials, you have to click on the “See Evaluation” button

Step 8 – Now, you can see the details of your account on your screen.


It includes information such as name of the account holder, crop year, district, area, land record number, order, area etc.

Step 9 – Finally, Print or save the Details for future reference.

bhulekh up

Bhulekh UP

Bhulekh truly means complete description of the land. Through this, you can claim ownership of the land because it gives all the details of the land. Through the documents of the land you can easily take a loan from any bank. And can take crop insurance. The bhulekh, ie the papers of land, is very useful for the division of land.

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