How to Apply Birth Certificate online in Dhanbad Municipal Corporation

Birth Certificate Dhanbad : Birth certificate is very importance document in real life, every where to use your birth certificate if you enter school then you need to your birth certificate, make any Aadhaar card, Pan card you need it in Dhanbad. Jharkhand Government has made all the services online so that with its help we can easily make download birth certificate form, death certificate form, check your application status and more. Dhanbad municipal corporation’s birth certificate portal is the popular web site and that can easily to be used for every citizen. With the help of website you can registration Birth Certificate or Death Certificate in Dhanbad.

Registration Birth Certificate in Dhanbad

Birth registration has been done in the State of Jharkhand as per Birth & Death Registration Act and Jharkhand Birth & Death Registration ruling. Accordingly every Birth is to be reported and registered within 21 days at the place of its occurrence in the prescribed reporting forms. In the state of Jharkhand, registration of birth and death of a person is done under this rule, so birth certificate of all citizens of the state is very important.

How to apply for Birth Registration online in Dhanbad ?

If you want to birth registration online in Dhanbad then you need to visit Birth and Death registration website Civil Registration system. open this web site and click on General Public Signup.

Now fill up all details such as Date of Birth, Select your state Kakinada, District, Village name or city and etc.

After fill all, click on register button. now register birth date and generate acknowledgement number for further action. you will have to fill all the information asked in the form like date of birth, name of the child, name of the place where the birth took place etc.
After filling all the information, you will have to attach all the documents along with the application form and submit it to your respective department. In this way your application will be completed.

How to apply Death Certificate in Dhanbad ?

If you want to death registration online in Dhanbad then you need to visit Birth and Death registration website Civil Registration system. open this web site and click on General Public Signup.

Now fill up all details such as Date of Death , Village name and etc.

After fill all field then click on register button. now register death date and generate acknowledgement number for further action. you will have to fill all the information asked in the form.
After filling all the information, you will have to attach all the documents along with the application form and submit it to your respective department. In this way your application will be completed.

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