Download RC Book | Get RC Book pdf via DigiLocker

RC book is very importance document for vehicle, RC book have all details about vehicle. RC have information such as Engine number, chassis number, owner name, vehicle type and etc. All vehicle have own rc book and it is very importance. Buy a new vehicle when you got rc book and it has all details about vehicle and owner details. Rc book is mandatory for any vehicle such as bike, car, truck, bus and any types of vehicle. Every one have rc book their vehicle so you need to download your rc book soft copy via Digilocker. Digilocker document is valid like a original document.

Download RC Book PDF online in Digilocker

DigiLocker is an Indian digitization online service provided by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. All the documents in Digilokir are considered to be original so you can download your vehicle rc book in DigiLocker. In this post we guide to how to Download RC Book pdf online in Digilocker ?.

How to Download RC Book PDF via DigiLocker ?

If you want to Download RC Book as soft copy (PDF) in DigiLocker then follow below Step :

Step 1 : First go to Digilocker website or download Digilocker app in your mobile.

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Step 2 : Now click on right top corner to SIGN IN button (if you do not have account then click on SIGN UP button)

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Step 3 : After sign in, Show side bar menu to Search Document.

download rc book via digilocker

Step 4 : Now search “Registration of Vehicle” and select All state registration of vehicle.

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Step 5 : Next enter Name as Aadhar Card and rc number and chassis number after click on get document.

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if your details is valid then your rc book show in digilocker. this document valid every where.

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