Slot Booking for driving Licence in West Bengal | Appointment for driving test WB

Slot Booking for driving Licence in West Bengal : Driving licence is very importance document for who want to drive a vehicle. if you do not have a driving licence and you applied for driving licence then two time need to book a slot. First, you will taken computer exam for learner licence at this time you will need to slot book. second, when you taken test for driving skill test. First apply for learner licence when you will apply to learner licence along with require document and preparing for computer exam. you must need to pass computer exam after you will got learner licence and learner licence validity is 6 month. after 1 month you got learnering licence, you should go to RTO and take driving skill test if you will pass driving skill test then you got driving licence in West Bengal. in this post guide to how to book slot for leanering licence and how to appointment for driving test in West Bengal ?.

Slot Booking for driving Licence in West Bengal

Slot booking is very easy process in Parivahan website. get learner licence Mandatory pass to computer exam, You need to book a slot to give a computer exam. You have to pass the driving skill test after getting the Lerner license. So you have to book a slot to give a driving skill test. Before taking the date of the slot book, you have to look at that date, You will be free on that date. As shown in this post, you can easily make a slot booking in West Bengal.

Procedure of Slot Booking for Computer test in West Bengal

if you apply for learner licence in West Bengal then you must taken computer test so you will need to slot book for take computer test. First go to website Now open parivahan home page and select menu to driving licence related services and Select the your state

select state sarthi parivahan

You will see the option to Appointment ( Slot Book)  at the left of the page. Click on it

In New Windows Click On Menu Slot Booking  >> LL Test Slot Booking

Two option available and select any one is application number or Learne licence number.

  • Then after Entering Your Application Number With Date of Birth and Verification Code.
  • After Verification, You Can Select Class of Vehicle  and Go to Process To Book 
  • You can Select Particular Date and Time
  • One time Password Sent to Your Register Mobile Number
  • After, Verify Your One Time Password Finally you Can Process for Apply Permanent Driving License 

Now click on conform to slot book button and payment option appear on screen. and this date to go to RTO and should take Computer test. if you pass Computer skill test then you got Learner licence.

Procedure of Slot Booking (Appointment) For Driving Licence Test West Bengal

If you want to slot book for driving skill test in West Bengal then You must first open the parivahan website and select your state.

select state sarthi parivahan

You will see the option to Appointment ( Slot Book)  at the left of the page. Click it.

In New Windows Click On Menu Slot Booking >> DL Test Slot Booking

Two option available and select any one is application number or Learne licence number.

  • Then after Entering Your Application Number or Learning License Number With Date of Birth and Verification Code.
  • After Verification, You Can Select Class of Vehicle  and Go to Process to Book Button 
  • You can Select Particular Date and Time
  • One time Password Sent to Your Register Mobile Number
  • After, Verify Your One Time Password Finally you Can Process for Apply Permanent Driving License 

Now click on conform to slot book button and payment option appear on screen. and this date to go to RTO and should take driving skill test. if you pass driving skill test then you got driving licence in few day. your driving licence will deliver to your home address.

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  • We Guide to Step by Step All Sarkari Online Services and Information. Our team is knowledgeable in Law and Government work such as a Driving Licence, Pan Card, Aadhar Card and etc.

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