How to Download vehicle E-Challan online via DigiLocker

Now, it is possible to download your traffic fine challan online in India, That too after a few clicks on your Mobile phone. Traffic police personnel these days are equipped with swiping machines that enable them to generate a printed challan on the spot. The e-challan generated makes a real-time entry in the traffic police server. This article helps you understand the process of download Online traffic challan in the India. Minimizing time and efforts of citizen in making payments or follow-up actions which they face after getting challan on Road.
If you got a challan by traffic police for violation traffic rules and want to download your echallan on your mobile, then read this post.
In this post we guide to how to download vehicle echallan online via DigiLocker.
DigiLocker allows access to digital versions of various documents including echallan, drivers licences, vehicle RC book, pan card, Aadhar card, ration card and more.
You can direct login trough website otherwise can download application on mobile for link driving licence. First things is a create account in DigiLocker if already have account then direct download echallan on your mobile.
How to Download e-Challan online Via DigiLocker ?
Anyone want to download vehicle e-Challan online via DigiLocker then first to visit DigiLocker website or App : .Now click on right top corner to SIGN IN button (if you do not have account then click on SIGN UP button).

If you have already account then login other wise create new account in Digilocker.

After sign in, Show side bar menu to Search Document.

Now search “echallan” and select a Challan – Ministry of Road Transport and Highway all state.

Enter name as per aadhar card and vehicle number or driving licence number.

Click on Get Document and fetch document on DigiLocker account after will show your vehicle echallan in DigiLocker.