How to Reprint a Payment Receipt From the Parivahan

Parivahan portal make offer to pay online fees for driving licence and other services. Any user pay payment at Parivahan then generate a payment receipt. Application payment has to be done when you have applied for driving license. A payment receipt is required when you go for the permanent driving license test or submit application.
Sarathi Parivahan Offical Website Some Fixed Fees Pay for Driving Licence Fees. Pay Fees in Sarthi Parivahan Website is so easy method and print your payment receipt online.
You forgot to print the payment receipt when you applied for driving licence or other services. No need to worry you can download the recipe anytime with the help of Parivahan website. In this post we have shown how to download or reprint payment receipt from the Parivahan ?.
How to Reprint a Payment Receipt From the Parivahan ?
You want to reprint a payment receipt online from the Parivahan then first of all go to the website of the Parivahan : and open this website. Select from main menu to Online Service to Driving Licence Related Services.

Now select your state.

Select main menu to Fee Payment to Verify Payment option.

Click on Print Receipt from EPAYMENY menu.

Now enter your application number and Birth Date.

Click on GET DETAILS button and will get your payment details show on screen and can print it.
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