Find Aadhaar Number using Name and Mobile Number
Aadhaar card is very crucial document for Indian people, now day. everywhere use a Aadhaar card and very important documents for people. UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) launch Aadhaar Card portal for all.
You can change your data or correction on Aadhar card with the help of UIDAI official website. Some change you can do yourself eg. address change, mobile number change, and more.
If you have lost your Aadhaar card, you can download it. but sometimes you don’t know your Aadhar number then need to retrieve lost card number.
How to Find Aadhaar Card Number by Name and Mobile Number?
You want to retrieve or find lost/forgotten Aadhaar Card number using name and mobile number then follow below steps:
Step 1: Visit UIDAI official website of Aadhar Card: myAadhaar – Unique Identification Authority of India | Government of India

Step 2: Select retrieve EID/ Aadhaar Number options.

Step 3: Now your name and mobile number or email id, captcha code.

Step 4: Click on Send OTP, will show your Aadhaar card number after verification with OTP.
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