AnyRor Gujarat 7/12 8a

AnyRor Anywhere is an online portal created by the Government of Gujarat. Where the details of all the documents of the land are received. Village Sample 7/12 8a Past or Satbara, Village Sample 8a Past, Hq Sheet Varifar 135 D are all available on Any Roar Anywhere portal created by National Informatics Center (NIC) Gujarat.

Rural 7/12 8A Land Records online Gujarat

  1. First go to official website of anyror of Guajara :
7/12 gujarat
  • Click on  VIEW LAND RECORD RURAL for village land
anyror rural
  • Select any one to click
  • Click on VF7 SURVEY NO DETAILS (ગા.ન.૭ ની વિગતો) .

Select your district, taluka and village, enter your survey number.

Village Sample 7 12 Enyor is in front of you 

Similarly you can also get 8A Past, Haq Sheet Variation 135D.

Anyror Urban (city) 7/12 utara Land Records online

  1. Click here to see the Land Record of Urban Lands VIEW LAND REACORD -URBAN
anyror urban

Here you have to select District, City Survey Office, Ward Number, Survey Number and Seat Number.
Any ror property card details in front of you
If you click on View Document next to the owner of the land in the Sub Registrar Deed Details column, then you can get a copy of the Document Registry of the land.

Anyror Check your Property

if you want to check your E-milkat Record then click on Properties search option.


Fill All Details and send verification code

after Enter your verification code, you get details

Important Information:

  1. If website is not running then there may be more on the server at this time is loaded. Please try after sometime
  2. This computer print document is for information only, which you cannot use as an official copy.
  3. More information if needed If yes, then contact in all register court.

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