How to download a Trademark Certificate PDF online in India

A Trademark is a protecting brand name or logo identity. The Trade Marks Act, 1999 is to register trade marks applied for in the country and to provide for better protection of trade mark for goods and services and also to prevent fraudulent use of the mark in India. If your trademark approve then no one to take your brand name or logo. Now day, All product sell online so trademark very useful for company or manufacturer because someone don’t copy their product or brand name. If you get trademark your brand name then no one can keep it. Trademark have 45 different class and you can select class related your business category.

Download Trademark Certificate PDF

Anyone can apply for trademark in India for their brand name, product, logo. If you applied for trademark and get registered then your identity get trademark in specify class. If you want to trademark in other class then you must to apply separate application. In this post we guide to How to check trademark application status ?. How to download trademark certificate in India ?.

First things to check your trademark application status if status get a registered then note down application number for download certificate when need it.

How to check Trademark Application Status online ?

Application for trademark and want to check trademark application status online in India then first to visit Public search trademark Intellectual property India website : Open this website.

check trademark application status

Now enter your trademark name and class which is applying application, enter captcha code.

Click on search button and get your application details on screen.

If your application is accepted and registered then write down your application number for download trademark certificate.

How to Download a Trademark Certificate online PDF in India ?

If a trademark registered and want to download a Trademark certificate online soft copy pdf then first go to Registered trademark and application status website : Open this website and select left menu to Trademark Application/Registered mark option.

download trademark certificate

Show two option and select the search option a National/IRDI Number.

Enter trademark application number and captcha code after click on View button.

Now show all matching trademark on your screen and select them to your application.

Show all details about your application and click on top right to View Registration Certificate.

download trademark soft copy

Preview a trademark certificate on your screen and you can download as a pdf or image to your computer or phone.

trademark certificate pdf download

Certificate use for your legal work and protect your brand name, logo, slogan and timeline for your business.

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